Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's not looking good...

I divided the cuttings into three batches to see which method would cause the least damage to the cuttings and/or would produce the best results:
1. Stick them in water
2. Dip in rooting hormone and stick in soil
3. Dip in rooting hormone and stick in soil in a green house
#1 and #2 produced mixed results: some cutting went completely brown and died, the rest developed yellow leaves.
#3 worked best so far; the cutting didn't yellow and there is new growth - no roots yet.
After a few days I took batch #2 and moved them into green houses, but the yellowing continued. I'm not giving up on it yet because the dracaenas yellow as well before they start rooting. Once it stops yellowing, the plant starts growing roots.
My conclusion so far: Gardenia cuttings experience the least damage, if at all, when kept in the little green houses.

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