Why am I doing this???

When I was a little child in Germany, my stepdad grew a huge garden. I remember spending the summers sitting in the cherry tree stuffing myself with burgundy red bing cherries. I remember the sour taste of the season's first goose berries, fresh pears right from the tree and tender raspberries. We didn't buy canned veggies and fruit at the store - everything was cooked with fresh ingredients right from the garden. This might sound corny but yes, it was a simpler time!

Fast forward 30 years - last fall my daugther came home from school and proclaimed "I'm hungry", grabbing the colander and marching back behind the house to pick herself some lettuce leaves and cherrie tomatoes to make a salad. Wow! She's a master in operating the microwave but picking your own "green stuff" to make a salad must have seemed a better choice to her. So, why not grow more veggies and see what happens.....

Hubby and I had a "tomato competition" last year and we did pretty good. Lots of great tomatoes! We also grew lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, carrots and parsley behind the shed.

We have moved since and now live on a golf course. The tiller has to stay in the garage and all veggies are being grown in black nursery pots. We have a small "garden", a very small "container garden". We can't put beds out in the back yard because that's where the golfers walk around looking for stray balls.

I have a brown thumb, sometimes it's even black. Everything I know about plants and gardening is self taught - trial & error and some of it I learned "accidently" or I googled it. I don't give up though...